Fiche cheval hall of champ

R2C10 du

plathandicap 47536sha tin (hong kong)1400M172041beat the clock handicap14 partantsdépart à 09:50
16navas twoH51p(21)1p9pmaia r3.3/101:22
210seasons blissH5(21)6p1p1p0pho c y9.85/11 l 1/2
31circuit stellarH43p(21)3p0pmoreira j6.9/1cte tete
44hall of champH65p(21)0p6p3phewitson l15/1cte tete
514circuit mightyH5(21)4p0p0pyeung m l23/13/4 l
67prime ministerH7(21)1p6p2p7pleung k c12/1encolure
713star briteH55p(21)5pteetan k7.5/11 l
83beauty champH50p(21)4ppurton z13/1encolure
912nothing newH6(21)2p6p2p6pchadwick m7.7/1encolure
108classic poshH70p(21)7p8p7pferraris l123/11/2 l
1111kasi farasiH87p(21)1p0p8ppoon m f62/1tete
129dragon fortuneH5(21)0p8p1p4pbentley h16/11 l 3/4
132pegasus heroM5Inéditlai h w221/13 l
145heza beautyH61p(21)0p0pTpshinn b20/1encolure

R2C8 du

plathandicap 47754happy valley1650M172041lamma island handicap11 partantsdépart à 14:15
16gorytusH4(21)3p6p0p2pho c y/101:39
27meaningful starH5(21)7p8p2p1pbentley h/12 l
31amazing one plusH7(21)2p6p4p0ppurton z/1nez
411zone dH54p(21)2p3p3pmoreira j/1cte tete
55hall of champH6(21)0p6p3p6pshinn b/11/2 l
63everyone's delightH6(21)6p9p4p1pbadel a/11/2 l
79ready player oneH5(21)0p6pchadwick m/11/2 l
88ensuredH4Inéditferraris l/1encolure
910sacred ibisH9(21)1p9p7p7phewitson l/11 l
104helene wisdom starH50p(21)6p9p0pteetan k/12 l 1/2
112conquerorH67p(21)6p5p0phamelin a/19 l 1/2

R2C9 du

plathandicap 50712happy valley1650M172041tokyo handicap12 partantsdépart à 14:50
12fa faH41p1p1p2p1pho c.y./101:39
27exceptional niceH62p2p2p2p4pbadel a./1encolure
311mercurialH55p1p0p3p4ppoon m.f./11/2 l
410the anomalyH41p3p3p8p9pyeung m.l./1encolure
53super oasisH68p7p6p7p7pmaia r./11/2 l
61hall of champH53p6p2p4p3pchan k.h./1nez
712sacred ibisH87p3p4p3p0pteetan k./1nez
85king's capitalH52p5p1p7p0ppurton z./1cte tete
96surrealismH69p2p5p4p3pferraris l./11 l 1/4
104incanto preparedH66p6p9p7p3pmoreira j./1cte tete
118star of yuen longH60p7p4p0p0pchau c.l./13 l
129right honourableH70p4p5p1p1pchadwick m./1encolure

R6C6 du

plathandicap 52014sha tin (hong kong)1600M172041the chinese general chamber of commerce cup (handicap)12 partantsdépart à 07:35
19xiang yinH61p8p5p3p0pmoreira j./101:33
26maldivesH55p1p2p1p4ppurton z./13/4 l
31hall of champH56p2p4p3p5pchan k.h./11/2 l
48gallant crownH52p1p4p6p1pteetan k./1tete
512win winH60p7p0p9p7pyeung m.l./11 l 3/4
610fearless fireH70p5p3p0p0pwong c./11 l
72kinda coolH55p4p2p7p2ppoon m.f./1cte tete
83super oasisH67p6p7p7p8pbadel a./11 l
95tianchi monsterH72p4p0p6p8phamelin a./1encolure
104heza beautyH5Tp5p0p5p9pshinn b./11/2 l
117gorytusH32pbentley h./13/4 l
1211mr aldanH64p8p0p0p0pchadwick m./1encolure

R6C9 du

plathandicap 53924sha tin (hong kong)1400M169466tailorbird handicap13 partantsdépart à 09:10
Non-partants : 11
113dragon fortuneH44p6p2p6p1pmoreira j./101:21
22hall of champH54p3p5p5p1pshinn b./11 l 3/4
33tempest expressH50p1p1p(20)0pbadel a./11 l 1/4
45tianchi monsterH70p6p8p9p0phamelin a./1cte tete
59charity graceH51p2p2p1ppoon m.f./1cte tete
66star performanceH61p8p7p4p3pteetan k./1encolure
71super oasisH66p7p7p8p0pho c.y./11/2 l
87horsesain boltH53p2p2p7p4pchau c.l./1tete
98kasi farasiH78p7p0p0p1pchadwick m./1encolure
1012happy landH56p7p0pbentley h./1tete
1110splendid livingH49p3p9ppiccone t./11/2 l
124helene alliborH49pyeung m.l./11 l 1/4
11perfect pairH73p7p2p3p7ppurton z./1

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